Holistic Center; Assisting you with reclaiming your life & stepping into your higher purpose.

Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

You have rights, by knowing them you can better advocate for yourself.

 Privacy Policy - The confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records maintained by the program is protected by Federal law and regulations (42 CFR Part 2). Generally the program may not disclose to a person outside the program that a client is attending the program or disclose any information identifying a client as an alcohol or drug abuser unless: 1. The client consents in writing; 2. The disclosure is permitted by a court order;3. The disclosure is made to medical personnel for research, an audit or program evaluation; 4. A review is being conducted by an accredited licensing body. Violations of Federal law and regulations by a program is a crime. Suspected violations may be reported to appropriate authorities in accordance with Federal regulations. Federal law and regulations do not protect any information relating to a crime committed either at the program or against any person who works for the program or about any threat to commit such a crime. Federal law and regulations do not protect any information relating to suspected child abuse or neglect from being reported under state law to appropriate state of local authorities. Violations of federal laws and regulations by a program are a crime. You have a legal right to report any violation to the director of Wisdom ReAwakening or Health Affiliates Maine (HAM) who I’m an affiliate of and who provides my supervision, or to DHHS - Office of Substance Abuse, at 11 State House Station 41 Anthony Ave., Augusta, ME 04330-0011.

Terms of Service (Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services Adults/Children in Need of Treatment)

1. Basic Rights. You have the same civil, human and legal rights, which all citizens are entitled. You have the right to be treated with courtesy, respect and dignity. You cannot be secluded or restrained in a community setting.

2. Right to Confidentiality and Access to Records. You have the right to have your records kept confidential and only be released with your full informed consent. You have the right to review your record at any reasonable time and to add written comments to clarify information you believe is inaccurate or incomplete. No one else can see your record except under circumstances outlined in the rights book.

3. Right to an Individualized Treatment Service Plan. You have the right to a written service plan, developed by you and your worker, based on your actual needs and goals. The plan must be in writing and detail what everyone will do, the time frames in which the tasks and goals will be met, and identify how success is determined. The plan must identify how a need will be met if the service is not available. You have the right receive a copy of your plan and a right to a second opinion if you do not agree with the plan.

4. Right to Informed Consent & Protection of Rights. No service or treatment can be provided to you against your will. You have the right to be informed of possible risks and anticipated benefits of all services and treatment. You may designate a representative who is authorized to help you understand and exercise your rights, help you make decisions, or to make decisions for you. This must be requested in writing and can be changed or canceled at any time, unless under court appointed representation.

5. Right to File a Grievance and Appeal. You have the right, without retribution, to grieve any violation of your rights or a questionable practice. You have the right to a written response, including reasons for the decision. You may appeal any decision to the Department of Health and Human Services. For assistance contact:

  • Adult Grievances - SAMHS Grievance Coordinator, 207-557-5234 or TTY 711- at 11 State House Station 41 Anthony Ave, Augusta Maine 04333

  • Children Grievances - Children’s Grievance Coordinator, 207-462-4436 or or TTY 711- at 11 State House Station 2 Anthony Ave, Augusta Maine 04333; or

  • The Disability Rights Center, 24 Stone St. Ste. 204, Augusta, Maine 04330 (1-800-452-1948).